Alice Marsh

So this is a fairly controversial post, especially in terms of my mother reading it, but I’m all about transparency & honesty in my real life and also on my social media channels so I wanted to write up a post about the aesthetics treatments I’ve been having lately.
The first picture below was taken on the day of (before) my first treatment on the 18th April and the 2nd was taken 4 weeks later on the 16th May 2019 …..and I’m going to talk you through the treatments I have had to make me feel just a little more fresh faced version of myself as I am now …..and definitely not 20 years younger as this would look ridiculous on a 46 year old!! (Please excuse the crop top, I’m not sure what I was thinking that day!!)
I’ve been having botox for a few years now, my first treatment was just after my 39th birthday when a very good friend, who is 7 years older than me, took me aside and told me, in only the way she could…. “that it was now time”
This friend (you know who you are) was, at the time, actually my age now (46) and I knew she’d been having botox for quite a few years and she looked bloody amazing and quite frankly, younger than I did then!! So off we went to see her Botox lady, who was actually a dentist and had been treating my friend for a good few years, so I felt very comfortable putting my face in her hands.
I’d actually just been through a fairly tricky time in my life, I’d had serveral unsuccessful IVF treatments & had been told I was never going to have a kids and subsequently broken up with my then fiancé so, as you can imagine, I wasn’t really feeling that brilliant …however I tell you what, once the botox kicked in I felt bloody fabulous!! Seriously things weren’t ever meant to be with my ex, so it was a blessing in disguise and maybe I’ll do another piece on that whole part of my life another time (if of interest) but the botox made me feel more like my old self, gave me back the confidence I needed now that i was single again in my late 30’s and quit frankly stopped me feeling like a washed up infertile spinster. I still had a chance of meeting someone new ……
Anyway I digress….
So after my first treatment I started having botox in 3 places, once a year as a birthday treat to myself. Botox generally only lasts 3-6 months so after 6 months my botox would have pretty much faded and the old wrinkles would start to appear again and I’d have to start saving for my next treatment.
There then came a time when I couldn’t stretch out the treatments anually and started having botox every 9 months and since I’ve started my Instagram journey I’ve been incrediblly lucky to have a couple of “gifted” botox treatments, so have been able to have it every 6 months, which I find perfectly acceptable. Some may find they do need to have more frequent.
As mentioned I have botox in 3 places, my forehead, between the eyes and my crows feet, however, after a while, the botox just wasn’t working on my laughter lines. These lines just seemed to be ingrained in my face even when not smiling or laughing and reaching all the way down my cheeks to the corners of my bloody mouth. I then decided to visited Dr Hilary Allan at The Woodford Medical Clinic to have a chat about other options.
Dr Hillary Allan is the medical director of Woodford Medical and is one of the foremost female medical aesthetic practitioners in the UK since she formed Woodford Medical in 1995. She is constantly sought-out by beauty editors for her expertise and opinions and is renowned as a true professional in the field of cosmetic and medical aesthetics.
Obviously it’s always wise to do your own research but here are a few top tips….
1. Ensure that the person is trained in Aesthetic medicine – having done basic AND advanced courses in Botox and Fillers. It is always better to go to a doctor/dentist that is skilled in injecting, and has excellent knowledge of facial anatomy.
2. Ensure that you find out which product you are actually having injected into your face. For example, if you are having Botox – what brand is it? There are so many brands available of Botox and Filler; unfortunately some much cheaper and poorer quality than others. It is important to know if you are getting an excellent quality product that is safe and effective.
3. Make sure the practitioner is opening up their botox bottle/filler syringe in front of you. That way you know you are not getting anyone’s leftovers!
4. Ensure that a full, thorough medical and aesthetic consent is carried out prior to treatment. This can be done immediately before treatment, but should be done to ensure that you are medically safe to have the treatment carried out. For example, not pregnant, the right age and no medical disorders that preclude you from having this treatment. An aesthetic consultation is then carried out to establish the look you wish to achieve. Remember it’s impossible and not safe to totally transform your look with one treatment. Anyone that promises this, is lying or doesn’t have enough experience to know better. The key is to BUILD your look with filler and Botox.
Before & After Pictures
So as mentioned earlier the below photos were taken at the clinic by Dr Hilary Allan. The pictures on the left with the yellow head band (and too much fake tan) were taken on the day of treatment (18/04/19) and the photos on the right were taken exactly 4 weeks later (16/05/19)
As you can see from the before & after pics here, the botox has quite clearly erased any frown lines I had. I find that botox in the forehead also gives my eyebrows and eye lids a little lift too which is always rather nice to stop the sagging eye lid effect a little that starts to creep in after a certain age. You do need to be careful when requesting this as you don’t want it to go the other way and end up looking like Jack Nicholson!!
I luckily don’t tend to get the angry 11 lines between my brows however I have been told my face can give away what I’m thinking so this treatment helps me hide any disdain I maybe feeling, particularly helpful for me when arguing with my partner!!
I did have a a couple of creases between my eyes and brow however and this is what the 2nd appointment was for, Dr Hilary Allan simply popped a little more Botox in to correct this.
Botox doesn’t hurt and takes around 10 minutes max for the 3 areas. It’s a little uncomfortable and you have some little bumps for a few minutes afterwards but the end results are totally worth a few tiny needle pricks. I would totally recommend treatment if these lines bother you, however, I appreciate it’s not for everyone and I totally respect that, as I hope you respect my choice.

Even when not pulling silly faces the botox helps make my resting face just that little bit fresher.
However what really helped here was the little bit of filler that Dr Hilary Allan put in around my cheek bones to help plump up my cheeks and fill my crows feet that botox just wasn’t able to address.

With time, the natural ageing process causes the face to lose the fat that fills the cheeks. This a natural by-product of getting older that many wish to combat.
If you want to rejuvenate your skin without undergoing any aggressive surgical procedures, a dermal filler may be your best option. Dermal fillers are increasingly popular because they are safer and less expensive than surgery. You can regain the youthful vitality of your skin after just one treatment, and the effects can last for 18 months.
A dermal filler is an injectable solution that fills the soft tissue under the skin. Dr Hilary Allan used Juvéderm® a natural, biodegradable facial filler that replaces lost hyaluronic acid in the skin and plumps out those troublesome lines giving you a smooth and natural look. Dermal fillers are ideal for filling in creases and lines, plumping up the lips and cheeks, and enhancing facial contours.
Dr Hillary Allan placed fillers around my crows feet and cheek bones. She also placed some between my jaws and ears to lift my jowls and tighten my jawline which, hopefully, you can see above. Finally around my chin area to plump and balance my face out.
The whole treatment took about 30 mins, however, comparatively to Botox, I have to be honest,this is a little more painful. Dr Hilary Allan didn’t use any pain relief as Juvéderm® contains an anaesthetic called lidocaine which does definitely make your face feel a little numb during & after.
The great thing about fillers is that you instantly notice the results whereas Botox can take up to 2 weeks to kick in.
I think the best way to judge a treatment is if no one actually knows what you’ve had done but everyone compliments you about how well you look!
I even visited my mother, who isn’t the biggest fan of Botox generally, after I had this treatment and she didn’t spot that I’d had a little more work than usual. That’s how I know that Dr Hilary Allan is bloody good and why I am very happy to recommend to you lovely lot.
This treatment was gifted so please do get in touch with The Woodford Medical Aesthetic Clinic for more info and prices but feel free to ask me any questions & I will do my best to answer them.
I hope this was helpful for anyone considering either treatment,
Lots of love
Alice x