Minor Surgery

Minor Surgery - for the removal of moles, skin tags and milia.

Small imperfections such as moles, milia and skin tags can be a by-product of the ageing process or related to sun damage or product build up. They may be minor but they can diminish confidence and stop you from achieving a clear and smooth complexion. Here at Woodford Medical we can help, removing these irritating issues quickly and easily and with the minimum of fuss and irritation.

Before & After Gallery for Minor Surgery

Minor Surgery - Moles

The vast majority of moles are benign (non cancerous), despite this they can be unsightly and cause embarrassment or be a cosmetic nuisance for the person who suffers from them. They are not eligible for treatment by your GP or on the NHS as they are considered to be a cosmetic issue.

Minor Surgery - Milia

Milia are small hard, white bumps on the skin usually 1-2mm in diameter. They are caused by inadequate exfoliation in some people– skin flakes or keratin become trapped in a tiny round pocket under the skin. They can be numerous and located anywhere on the face and sometimes on the upper body. They occur on all skin types and people of all ages.

Minor Surgery - Skin Tags

These are exceptionally common and ultimately harmless. They occur around the face, chest, neck and abdomen. Skin tag removal is quick, easy and painless. No stitches are required.

If you wish to have an unsightly mole removed a consultation with one of our doctors can be arranged so that the treatment options can be discussed with you. Milia and skin tags can be removed by one of our highly skilled aesthetic therapists following consultation depending on the size.

Where are Minor Surgery treatments available?

Mole removal is only available at our Essex Clinic

Other minor surgery clinics in Essex, Cambridge, London, Belfast and Leamington Spa clinics.


I recently had a mole removed from my face and I could not have been cared for more. My self-esteem has risen tenfold, I now feel good about myself, thank you all!

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